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Huidscan Clinique Gent

The best care for
your skin

The 3D skin scan is highly effective in preventing skin cancer. It is recommended that everyone undergoes a professional body mapping for a top-quality dermatological examination.

Intervene early and avoid worse

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. There are 45,000 new cases every year in Belgium. One in five people will develop skin cancer before the age of 75. The importance of adequate sun protection is still greatly underestimated. We therefore expect a 68% increase in skin cancer by 2030.

Early detection

By taking an image at least once a year, swift and efficient intervention is possible with minimal changes to the skin’s surface. This groundbreaking screening and monitoring technique detects even the slightest changes in birthmarks. As a result, we can now detect and treat skin cancer in its earliest and most treatable stage.

Safe examination

Taking a 3D skin scan takes only a few minutes.The procedure is entirely painless, safe, and does not involve the use of radiation or X-ray equipment.Through a secure file, Huidscan Clinique Gent provides your treating dermatologist or doctor with the unique images from your skin scan.

For your health

Make a 3D body map of your skin. The unique skin scanner instantly captures the skin's surface and body contours in ultra-sharp 3D images. An assurance for the future. Every spot, every change is recorded. The evolution of moles and other skin lesions are monitored very qualitatively and efficiently over time.

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